20 Haziran 2011 Pazartesi



The first scene of Metamorphoses was the story of Midas. Midas was a wealthy king but he wanted more. He only cared about money and did not spend time with his family. Midas makes a foolish request for a golden touch. He was granted a gift, everything he touched turned into gold. Midas cannot master the power he has been given. The conflict in the plot was that he touched his daughter and she turned into gold. He felt helpless and wanted to undo his gift. He lifted up his shining hands and arms and he cries out: 'Father, Bacchus, forgive me, I have sinned. But have pity on me, I beg you, and save me from this costly evil!' As a resolution he was told to travel to a special pond that would undo his gift. Bacchus, when he confessed his fault restored him, and took back what he had given in fulfillment of his promise. He showed him away to resolute what he wished for, at the end of the story when he washed his hands with special water. Everything that was previously turned into gold including his daughter turned back to its original state. At the end of the story Midas learned there are more important things in life than money.  He was not able to contact with anything psychically, he was not able to do anything. He took is family for granted and as a result the fear of losing his daughter made him realize that he actually cared for his family and he wanted to live with enjoyment of touching, feeling, eating and sharing life with the ones he loves, but by touch of gold it was not possible so he wanted to get back what it used to be.

                  The thought, theme and ideas were very important in this play; each scene of the play represented an idea or moral. The one that stood out the most was the story of Baucus and Philemon. The moral or idea of the story gradually developed throughout the plot. The theme of the story was the hospitality of people. The part when the gods stated that now people have become do rude and not willing to help. This story is an ancient myth but it represents present time. The act that as time goes on some people become more and more selfish is portrayed very well in the story. At the end an old couple that was very poor deiced to help the gods in disguise. The highlight of the story was 
Philemon and Baucis were pleased to have visitors, even though the old couple was poor they served their presumably starving guests, they could find on the table without knowing they were gods. In real life this occurs often. Unfortunately, some people now are too attached to their belongings that they fear losing it. As a result, they do not want to share what they have. I think another important aspect the story points out is the idea of fecundation. The more you give the more fecundation occurs. Soon the old couple noticed that no matter how often they poured from it, the wine pitcher was never empty. They began to suspect that their guests might be more than mortals. In the end when the couple find out they are gods, the gods reward them with anything they would like. the couple said that they wished to become temple priests and die together. Their wish was granted and when they died they were turned into intertwining trees. 
The language usage in this play was very important also. The language was not too difficult to understand it was mostly modern. This was a good choice because it helps the audience understand and relate more to the present time. The language usage of each of the characters portrayed their mood and personality very well. An example in this play is the three girls speaking used very a graceful and poetic tone and language usage. This made it clear that they were like the narrators of the story . From the varying tones of their voice, it is possible to fracture their mode. Midas used very cleaver like tone. He also had a sarcastic tone. For example when he paused and with a sarcastic tone said that family was what is really important. Throughout the story his tone and language usage changed with led to the development of the plot. At the end when he understood his mistake and hugged his daughter he had a content tone and was not sarcastic anymore. His word usage portrayed a caring father. His personality was more real at the end; he was not pretending like the beginning of the story. Philemon and Baucis where the couple had lived all their long married lives. They were pleased to have visitors. they were communicating with respectful manners. They were very calm and serving for their guests without questioning. It also showed how decent they were to their guest.